Prophylaxis (Teeth Cleaning)

a dental hydienist cleans the teeth of a dental patient
Prophylaxis Is Teeth Cleaning Performed by a Dental Hygienist

What Is Prophylaxis?

Good dental hygiene is essential for both your oral health and a healthy appearance. While your own regular tooth brushing removes most food particles from your teeth, over time, plaque and even tartar can build up, especially in difficult to brush locations.

Dental prophylaxis is the specialized teeth cleaning treatment designed to remove the plaque and tartar that build up on your teeth. Using specialized dental equipment, our hygienist performs a prophylaxis treatment to remove these stubborn substances both above and below the gum line. Afterward, she will polish your teeth to help protect them.

During your regularly scheduled appointment, our hygienist will also perform a complete clinical exam of your teeth and gums, searching for potential health issues such as cavities, cracks, gum disease, or oral cancer. Depending on your age and dental history, she may take a set of dental x-rays that the dentist will review for any internal problems that would only be visible in an x-ray.

Self Care

Even with a prophylaxis treatment every six months, it is essential for your oral health to brush your teeth and floss daily. We recommend that you read the instructions and watch the helpful video about Brushing Your Teeth at Mouth Healthy, a public service website sponsored by the American Dental Association.
